Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Top 5 Albums...

So here we go, my Top 5 Albums. If you don't have any or all of these albums hit up a music store and treat yourself. These won’t disappoint you.


I and Love and You - The Avett Brothers

There are just so many beautiful moments on this album, certainly too many to mention. These brothers know how to play music, how to write and how to appropriately be all manly and sensitive. Lyrics from this album will make an appearance in my Top 5 Lyrics. Pour yourself your favourite drink, find a porch at sunset and ill leave the rest up to you.


Room for Squares – John Mayer

This is a very good album and captures the beginning of a true musical talent. Say what you like about Mayer as a celebrity, he can write amazing music and play guitar. This is a snapshot of Mayer before he started dating celebrities, saying dumb things in Playboy Magazine, and getting followed by hoards of photographers, when he was a nerd and nerds were cool. Probably the best example of intelligent pop you’ll find in the last 10 years. So hop in your car on one rainy Sunday afternoon and drive up the Adelaide Hills for a coffee and you’ll understand what I mean.


Recovering the Satellites – Counting Crows

The follow up album to the hugely successful August and Everything After, Recovering the Satellites, is the less appreciated album by this incredible band. By the band’s own admission they went too electric, but considering this album came out during the wave of Seattle grunge this is what some of those early grunge albums should have been. For me this is the album of that era, sorry Pearl Jam 10. Crank this loud, open some beers, fire up the BBQ and invite those you love over – the end.


Grace – Jeff Buckley

Such a voice, such a songwriter, such a talent. What makes this album so unique is the various tones and passion in Buckley’s voice, it’s like dripping honey. Light some candles, open your favourite bottle of red wine and get your pensive on.
Listening to this album is a meditation.  


Plans – Death Cab for Cutie (Thankyou Shane Shepherd)

Easily my most favourite album of all time. The song writing of this band, specifically Ben Gibbard is a real pleasure to listen too – an artist at his peak. Listening to this album is like listening to literature infused with melody. The first track “Marching Bands of Manhattan” will draw you in and the rest of the album will keep you while “Follow you into the dark’ will break your heart. Put the headphones in, grab a coffee and wander the streets of your favourite city – see what I mean?

Some unlucky albums:

Joshua Tree - U2
In Rainbows - Radio Head
A rush of blood to the head - Coldplay



John Cusak, Jack Black, an old record store, love, heartbreak and hating a Laura…

There is no better film to watch on a rainy Friday night than the 2000 classic, High Fidelity staring John Cusack and Jack Black. This film is based on the 1995 book of the same name written by Nick Hornby.

I have just started reading this book and am thoroughly enjoying it. In recounting his top 5 breakups and the ensuing related pop songs, Nick writes…

“What came first the music or the misery?”

Literary and rock ‘n’ roll gold. So in light of this book that I am devouring ( I sat at Cibo last Sunday reading for a few hours, and laughed so loud the guy next to me asked me what was so funny….) I am going to share with the world my own personal “Top 5 of all times.”

Certainly not my Top 5 Breakups of all time, that’s just a little emotional and this blog is cry your eyes out heartbreak free.

No I will share my top 5 of the following:

Music Lyrics
Quotes on life
Adelaide Coffee locations
First date locations (this is meant to be ironic as I neither date nor even know what one is these days…)

I will add a slight disclaimer – these are my own opinions. Albums, songs, movies all that mean something to me may mean nothing to you. That’s the beauty. So as you read I ask you to post your own top 5 and we can take it from there.

So keep an eye on your Facebook and Twitter feeds, ill be posting my relative tops 5 over the next few weeks.

So stay tuned and come with me as I discover what did come first – the music or the misery.

