Friday, December 17, 2010

Who gives a fuck...? Unfortunately I do. Thoughts on the prevailing culture of conformity and being the anti Lady Gaga.

I am the anti Lady Gaga. Regardless of your thoughts on her music and pop culture persona, one thing I really admire about Lady Gaga is her 'Who give's a fuck, this is me' antiestablishment artistic leanings. In a recent conversation with a friend of mine we were discussing initial impressions of each other, which was both honest and refreshing. It began in me a series of annoying thoughts on how I am percieved as a person and more than that, what I would be willing to change to provide a better story to what people see.

I have then since discovered after much thinking that it takes an enourmous amount of courage to simply be who you are. We seem to live in a world that encourages progression and growth. Steps to be a better person, which all have merrit. But what if the one key step to being the best version of yourself is to simply accept that right now you are the best version of yourself. Or maybe that's the point, maybe you're trying to get to that 'best version'.

At any rate, for a period of three hours when I related to people I came accross (work collegues, service station dude, cute girl making my coffee) I engaged in my own social experiment annalysing my own thoughts, body language and ways that I related. I realised that a lot of my thoughts were based around hiding somes parts of who I am in an attempt to give a better impression of who I am. Trying to be what I thought others think I should be. Recently I heard a facinating interview with Lady Gaga who said

"You have to be unique, and diffrent, and shine in your own way." she continued and said
"And now, I'm just trying to change the world, one sequin at a time."

All of us I'm sure on some level give a fuck on what people think. I'm sure if we all lived a life on the 'i don't give a fuck' level of Lady Gaga the world would be one strange place, stranger than what it is now. But in listening to my friend's observation, I have come to discover that gaining the courage to actually be myself, all the time is the greatest challenge of my life. To live counter culturally against a world that says I should be a certain way, to live with a 'Lady Gaga courage' to be who it is I am, whether I have discovered that yet or not.

Imagine a world where people were how they are; a group of people determined to changing the world one sequin at at a time.

Hmmmm interesting. I'll be couragous if you will.



  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Some interesting points, but I believe that Lady Gaga is just a carbon copy of Madonna.

  3. Andrew, I really enjoyed reading this blog! Very thought-provoking.

    I've learnt that the courage to be myself has always been been found when I know who I am, what I value and what I want from my life. There's enormous power in this. When you know where you are going, it's much easier to have the courage to not care or evaluate yourself based on the opinions of people who make no difference to your future and who couldn't care less about who you are and what you're striving for.

    This isn't about being ego-centric or disrespectful of others, quite the opposite, I think that when you know yourself, not only do you have the courage to be yourself and have a go at being all that you want - you are able to be much more fair with other people - you don't let people down as much or lead them to think they've found something they have not.

    Thanks again for a great read!

  4. Hey I agree...Lady Gaga does have shades of Madonna. But i think the difference is the culture in which Lady Gaga finds herself in. So much media 'people controlled' media that pushes her persona. When Madonna first started there was no

    Oh and i agree...the search and journey of knowing yourself is one of life's greatest quests. Thanks for the comments...keep them coming I really appreciate the interaction....

